I was hired to work as a web and branding design intern for Open Homes Photography, a real estate marketing company based in San Francisco, for two semesters during 2021, for a total of 8 months. The following files are projects I was assigned while at OHP, sorted by which co-op I was working at the time.


Career Page Redesign

The headline project of my time at OHP this semester has been a complete re-design of our career page. In order to increase new hires and unify our company message, I was tasked with giving a new look to this page on our website, as well as filling it with new copy and personal testimonials from our employees to spike engagement.


Social Media Templates

Our social media presence is constantly being improved upon as we roll out new products to spike engagement, such as customer success stories. These template graphics take the form as a three-panel post series for various social media “story” features, as well as square and landscape post aspect ratios. These panels were meant to spike engagement with the narrative side of our product, as Open Homes’ mission is to “make houses into homes.” As a result of our invigorated presence on social media, our metrics of followers and views increase over the following weeks.

LI Story Final - 4.jpg
LI Story - 3.jpg
LI Story Final - 7.jpg
LinkedIn Post - 6.jpg
LI Post - 5.jpg

Graphic Projects

An important step in improving and unifying our Floor Plan product was creating a comprehensive style guide for our editing and design team.


Unfortunately the competitor audit I conducted cannot be made public, but if you are a recruiter and would like to see all of the research and information that was pulled, please reach out to me and we can go over it


Much of my work at Open Homes was creating wireframes and occasional HiFi refreshes of their web pages. My goal was to make them clear and eye-catching, eliminating clutter and giving the web-based service a boost.

Login – 1.png
Login – 2.png
Services – 1.png
Schedule ONLY 2 – 4.png

Alongside web design, refreshing Open Home’s textures and assets used for the Floor and Site Plan products was a large part of my work. I created, curated, and edited vectors to create tiles of varying saturation and color palettes for our editing team to use in place of outdated graphics.

Site Plan Ex Tile-01.jpg
Site Plan Ex Tile SAT-01.jpg

Finally, product and branding design rounded out my work during Spring. I formatted several informational PDFs, including creating graphics and brand elements, as well as curating new products, such as this high-lit and blown out graphic of a home shown below.

Floor Plan Guide PDF.jpg
Highlight Plan.jpg



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