Digital Onboarding

Web and mobile onboarding has been my biggest project at Humana so far. I owned the transition from Sketch to Figma for these files and handled all needed redesigns when transferring platforms. In addition, I gave updated deliverables to engineering and smoothed the transition for design handoffs. Below is a selection of screens from this redesign, as well as documentation and notes used to clarify designs for engineering and management.

Provider Audit

Completing audits of our own products, competitors, and internal resources is a large part of my work contributing to Humana’s design system. I have performed tasks across a variety of products and experiences for diverse sets of users and use cases. This includes audits such as the one below, which was focused on comparing our provider portals against competitors, as well as contributing to team brainstorming sessions for a custom product for Disney.

MAPD Sitemap

The Medicare Advantage Prescription Drug sitemap was created to guide understanding of a specific Medicare audience and their needs. In this instance, I created a unique tagging system to clarify the desired tasks and actual results of each page. Sitemaps and user journeys such as these assist designers in identifying the unique characteristics and needs of a user and inform them how best to serve those demands. Often, I contributed to decision-making conversations about the goals and functions of products, as well as being an active participant in brainstorming sessions.

My Humana Components

Our component library has been a work in progress for much of my time at Humana. The challenges of designing for a cross-platform product manifest in different ways, but one of the most persistent is assuring all designers have the tools they need to succeed uniformly across the enterprise. Humana includes sub-products, such as Centerwell Pharmacy, that have unique design language. The areas where this branding crosses with Humana’s present unique challenges. Below, there are examples of both our final components and documentation in the library, as well as sections of an internal UI inventory I completed recently.

My Humana Dashboard

The My Humana dashboard is where the heart of each customer experience lives. Almost every product I have had any influence over ties back to the dashboard in some way.


Open Homes Photography