Health Wise is a guide for young adults who have recently left their parent’s health insurance or are taking care of their doctor appointments for the first time. Created as my thesis, this book speaks to many struggles I have personally gone through, and the wisdom inside is my way of passing on my experiences.

Part one includes an introduction, a table of contents, and the first chapter. One chapter is divided into several sub-pages. Each of these sections takes up just one spread to make the information readable and to avoid intimidating the reader. Chapter one tackles subjects that are common anxieties for patients.

The second chapter focuses on topics that empower the reader. The audience for Health Wise is young adults who may be dealing with their own healthcare for the first time. This group does not have the experience or resources for self-advocacy that they should.

Chapter three wraps up the book, adding a few resources that are important for any reader to have. I conducted several interviews with groups of doctors across specialties, leading me to include excerpts from our talks. In addition, a term glossary and information on health insurance are included.


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